Color Of Flowers and flower feng shui

Gallery Of Color
Color Of Flower and Flower Feng Shui

Feng Shui - Flowers

We always buy flowers for there color (each color has some meaning), beauty, and brighten your room but we also could think about the energy (good or bad) of the flowers, there shape and sizes. Fresh flowers will spread their bouquet all over. Fresh flowers and plants bring a lot of positive wealth, romance and health energy to your room. Try to place fresh flowers in your living room on a regular basis. Don't leave dying flowers in your home that brings bad luck.

The first thing you have to do is to clean your room for the good energy (chi). Then place or replace your things (furniture) so energy (chi) flow through your room, do not sit with your back to the door the energy should be kept flowing to create harmony and success to your life. Then take a bath or shower. Light candles, burn some flower essences or fill a bowl with water and add a few drops of essential oils. (Wild Fennel, Red Clover, Lily).

Walk around the room and give a few claps to the inside walls at each corner to get rid of bad energy.
Then fill your house with good feelings and energy, with harmony balls or Feng Shui music.

The color purple represented Inspiration, Career. Beige stands for Knowledge, Wisdom and Education. The colors green and brown represents Health, Family, Harmony and New life. Light green is associated with Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity. Red, Pink, Maroon represents Happiness, Longevity and Recognition. Yellow associated Relationships, Romantic and Marriage.

Here are some flowers that attract positive energy (chi).

The Narcissus (daffodil): The flower brings good luck for the twelve months if forced to bloom during the New Year.

Peony: Represent longevity in a relationship.

Rose: Will bring good fortune and promote love within the family.

Chrysanthemums: Bring happiness, harmony and laughter into your home.

Lilies: Are symbols of abundance and are considered to be one of the eight treasures.

Jasmine and Gardenia: Are the plants of friendship.

Bamboo: Youth, Perseverance and good luck.

Anthuriums: Bring good luck in your relationships.

Plum tree: Beauty and youth

To fill your house with good feelings and energy, always use your intuition,
do not simply take a traditional Feng Shui concept.
Feng Shui brings happiness, harmony, good luck and money into your home.

Gallery Of Color

1 komentar:

TOMAS said...

just a glimpse at these wonderful flowers fired me with desire jump bow to you. The flowers silenced me for seating in gratitude...the beauty made me the giant - THANK YOU. Your post prompted me to clean not only my room but check my soul too.

Colors and Feng Shui

Colors and Feng Shui
The way people react to colors is due to a mix of physiological, sociological and spiritual factors. What works in one society does not always work in another. Likewise, the knowledge that has come out of the mystery schools often needs to be adjusted to apply to modern tastes. What we present here is our own color theory drawn from personal studies and experience. What is helpful to remember about the differences between the Western and Asian systems of color theory is that in the West, the favorite planets generally are Jupiter and Venus, which are expanders, and relate to luck and luxury. From the earth both have a blue tone. For the Chinese, the favorite planets are Saturn, a pale yellow planet that is the stabilizer, and Mercury, the silver planet that deals with commerce and children. We might say that, culturally, the difference is a focus upon possibilities versus responsibilities. Surveys have shown that the favorite color of Americans is blue, while their least favorite is yellow. This highlights yet another difference, which necessitates the adjustment of systems when practicing Feng Shui in the west.



The Rainbow of Color

The Rainbow of Color
Light consists of the seven colour energies: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Each colour is connected to various areas of our body and will affect us differently emotionally, physically, and mentally. By learning how each colour influences us, we canÊ effectively use colour to give us an extra boost of energy when we need it. If you wake up in the morning with little energy, or you need to prepare for a business meeting, this is where the power of colours can help. All you have to do is reflect on the type of day you have planned; choose the colour that will help you meet the demands of the day; and then absorb that particular colour. It's like fueling your system with the right kind of gas.

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