Feng Shui Color in Origami Cranes

Feng Shui Color in Origami Cranes

Feng Shui is an ancient practice of color, object and location. Much of it has been developed over thousands of years, based on experience in common sense. For example, many feng shui entries discuss the placement of mirrors and windows. These are based on issues of safety and comfort - you wouldn't want a window right by a bed, where you could roll out or a thief could come in! Other experience with color has been bourne out by scientific studies - that humans innately equate some colors with certain emotions.

Remember, your own experiences with color may vary from these. If you grew up in a pink room, pink may bring happy emotions of comfort and love. But here are the standard Feng Shui meanings of the colors.

As you can see at Chinese New Year, red is the color of great luck and fortune. It brings money, success and protection from harm. In movies, it is the Lady in the Red Dress who gets the suitors.

Orange is the color of the shining sun, and it brings creativity. If you're an artist or someone in need of organization in your life, orange is the color to bring in.

Yellow stands for sunbeams and cheer. It brings friendship, caring and comfort. Many studies have shown that cheerfulness can help bring better health and longer life.

Green is the color of nature, of growing shoots and flowers. It is the color of health, balance, and growth.

Blue is found in the sky and sea, in the fast expanses of nature. This is the color of relaxation, of stress relief, of wisdom and patience.

In medieval days, purple was the color of kings and queens, of princes and princesses. Treat yourself like royalty and bring elegance and calm into your world.

Brown is the color of earth, of root vegetables. It is the color of stability, of home, of house, and of stability in business and enterprise.

You might think that black is a negative color, but actually it is an extremely strong color, like the black in obsidian and other strong stones. It is the color of career success, financial success and power. It also brings emotional security.

5 komentar:

Unknown said...

hi, nice blog..I like it :). Recently I love purple..lucky to hear that purple is a royal for purple

EVA said...

color greatly affect our lives

Hamizon Abdullah said... bright! You light up my life today.
Thanks anyway.I have learned something today.

I love purple (too), red, yellow, green, white, blue, green, pink, and...(I'll let u know later.

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EVA said...

I like the color red:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Veva,
thanks for the info.
I love red and orange coz i love sunshine & red bring me good luck:P


Colors and Feng Shui

Colors and Feng Shui
The way people react to colors is due to a mix of physiological, sociological and spiritual factors. What works in one society does not always work in another. Likewise, the knowledge that has come out of the mystery schools often needs to be adjusted to apply to modern tastes. What we present here is our own color theory drawn from personal studies and experience. What is helpful to remember about the differences between the Western and Asian systems of color theory is that in the West, the favorite planets generally are Jupiter and Venus, which are expanders, and relate to luck and luxury. From the earth both have a blue tone. For the Chinese, the favorite planets are Saturn, a pale yellow planet that is the stabilizer, and Mercury, the silver planet that deals with commerce and children. We might say that, culturally, the difference is a focus upon possibilities versus responsibilities. Surveys have shown that the favorite color of Americans is blue, while their least favorite is yellow. This highlights yet another difference, which necessitates the adjustment of systems when practicing Feng Shui in the west.



The Rainbow of Color

The Rainbow of Color
Light consists of the seven colour energies: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Each colour is connected to various areas of our body and will affect us differently emotionally, physically, and mentally. By learning how each colour influences us, we canÊ effectively use colour to give us an extra boost of energy when we need it. If you wake up in the morning with little energy, or you need to prepare for a business meeting, this is where the power of colours can help. All you have to do is reflect on the type of day you have planned; choose the colour that will help you meet the demands of the day; and then absorb that particular colour. It's like fueling your system with the right kind of gas.

Along the Path

Along the Path